Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I kinda like this picture

It has... couple

I mean, there are two photos at the back

two men wearing .. something grey

and three ladies wearing veils!

Not getting there? Oh well..

These are some pictures I took for a dinner on Ramadhan..

We're kinda discussing bout this family reunion which will come up after Ramadhan

The husband was kinda left alone..

The kids looks kinda... bored

Yeah, that's the-when will this dinner gonna end???-look

Not happen to the moms though.. love the look on the boy face

"mom.. what in the world are you talking about?"

another boring kid.. yeah miss the focus

my lovely lovely man!

with his lovely lovely bros

or his lovely partner in crime *grin*


So umh, Rolex, yeah what's up with that prestigious brand

My husband has one and he's like reeaaalllyyy proud of having it

Perhaps I would be too, if it was a Leica. Hmm..

Here's some of his shots. His? Yeah he's doin the shots, I was doin the editing








Last August, we -moslem- were havin this fasting month called Ramadhan

Yeah, Ramadhan.. where every moslem will fasting from Subuh (sometime before the sun rises about 5 AM) until Maghrib (about 6 PM or sometime before the sun sets)

*thinking bout giving some writing bout Ramadhan here*


*cancel the thoughts*

Please google or ask some moslem bout more of Ramadhan

by the end of the month, where Ramadhan ends, moms would cooking like crazy, there where food everywhere.. A lot! Cookies are baked and served like birthday parties (perhaps like Xmas, only the purpose of celebration is different)

Villages would be so crowded and cities would be empty cause
people are gather to be with their family after Ramadhan or at Idul Fitri day.. to forgive and forget..


Here's my Idul Fitri card design..


and here's mom's cookies



and that's all folks! Cheers!



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