Saturday, February 22, 2025

Help me ya Allah..

Sejak kena kanker..
gue sebenernya jadi jauh lebih kuat
i never let mysefl shed a single tear
kecuali kalo emang lagi bener-bener ga ketahan
dan paling cuman sekali dua kali
and it's been a year.. 
gue selalu berpegang pada ayat Allah:
Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang di luar kemampuan hamba-Nya
I live for that sentence..
I live for that promise that Allah has made..
And I am..
Hanya it will be really nice kalau memang having cancer tapi gak ngerasain sakitnya..
I am in pain everyday.. just.. I wish it will not bother my activity and pray..
Karena kalo udah kesakitan bawaannya cuman pengen tiduran.. 
Help me ya Allah.. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Tapi bukannya itu semua isi kehidupan ya?
And we also can choose to be happy
I choose to be happy
I ask God to be strong..
Despite all of this uncertainty..
Perhaps life is all about uncertainty
I mean.. the only certain thing about life..
is death
Let's give it a shot!


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