Expired XP2 Ilford
So we're on this.. restaurant.. called Hanamasa
Where you can.. eat everything!!
I showed my sis and her bf how to EAT
Ha ha ha
My sister were ill before
We went to the hospital
1/15 is very sharp here
I'm pretty satisfied, cause the lightmeter is.. dead
no no.. not really dead
just .. some punk silly kid name Nana, forgot to change the battery..
Here as well.. still not using lightmeter..
1/30 if I'm not mistaken
I never write down.. bad mistake..
Do you know.. Keluar means OUT?
So if you read this sign.. it's like... McOUT
Mc... OUT... make.. out... make out!!
Met my little sister when I was in Bandung
She doesn't like having her picture taken ;)
Oh well..
I bought her some food and yoghurt
Came accross some people who enjoy resting under the tree
Ya, I know.. I was supposed to be right in front of them
Whatever. Forgive all those bad scanning.
Have a nice weekend
Hope you guys are well
Hoo... gini toh ternyata XP2, the tone's looking pretty tasty. Rentang kontrasnya lumayan tinggi ya, kayanya emang bisa nih buat alternatif pengganti TMAX. :D
One problem is... ini film kok sekarang udah nggak keliatan lagi di toko² yg sebelumnya pernah nyediain. >_<
Aku malah sekarang jadi jarang masukin film BW ke FM2-ku, dapet assignment yg colors mulu. *sigh*
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