Saturday, June 30, 2007

Batam Island

Hello there!

I went to Batam Island last days and this is mostly what I did..

Eating a lot..

Working on some documents..

had lunch with my beautiful best friend in Batam

Well, not lunch. Just ordered a cold Milo

then went back to the hotel and had another lunch he he

I felt so sleepy afterward..

I went to Batam actually to prepare for this event
The farewell party of my Financial Director

Later that day, I was called to take a picture of these documents being signed by my Financial Director

But there were too many debates, till I feel like I was documenting a debate about the documents that were supposed to be signed

What a boring meeting, let's just take pictures!

And finally, the party.. Some kids feel bored

My boss apparently was having lots of fun

Party's over let's take off the make up and go to bed

Time to go home..

At an executive lounge, waiting for the plane..

From the plane..

Hope I don't bored you guys ha ha



Anonymous Tuesday, July 10, 2007  

Thank you for sharing all of that, it gives a lot of insight about your home land, and I love all of the pictures. Great work! BTW, you look pretty great too. I see you are gaining some weight now, and you look happy. Thanks again. J.

Nana Wednesday, July 25, 2007  

Yeah, I gain weight and you know it's for who, John ha ha ha

Hope he realize how much I love him..


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