Friday, August 10, 2007

Nugi's office

used to be a radio headstation or something

Now it's Nugi's office. Ha ha

Nugi and his security guard

Haha he's a poser

The security guard has huge tattoo(s)

He's trying to burn his hand!

Thank god Ihsan came to the rescue

Man and sex stuffs


Red stuffs!

This is a one weird position. Haha

It was a great day..

Ah, yes, yesterday I got sick and decided to have a great day in bed

but a phone call made my day and I miss him so much that I decided to take a picture of me as if he was the one who took the picture..

as if he was right in front of me..

Guess I'll always miss him..

Later at night I went out with my sister and couple of her friends

We had a good times, just us, girls and some lights ;)

That's it and good night!!



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